Tuesday, April 6, 2010

It's been awhile!

I'm a bad blogger, I know. It's just been a rough go the past few months. I'm not doing too hot on the weight thing, I'm back up to 213. Never thought I'd see that number this morning. The first month on Clomid with the RE and doing the trigger shot was a bust. I'm thinking this month is a bust too. I've been bleeding for 28 days except of course the CD16 & CD17 where I got my trigger shot and was happy for a day afterwards. Then on our drive to Florida for spring break I started spotting. So today marks CD28 and I haven't seen anything yet to say that I still have AF, it usually isn't prominent first thing in the morning, it takes a few hours to show up, then is here for the remainder of the day.

I have a consult with my RE tomorrow. We're going to discuss other options, from what the nurse said a few weeks ago they want to move onto injectibles. I had my trigger shot 12 days ago. So they wanted me to take a pregnancy test before coming in for the consult tomorrow but I'm not going to bother since I bled this entire month.

Here's a story I shared with my BFF thinking this may be the cycle for me...
Okay, so I'm really weird with dates and numbers, like I always play games with numbers in my head and I remember weird dates.

Our dating anniversary is 2/25 and you would not believe how many people have that for a birthday when I'm entering tickets or arrest reports or whatever at work. I notice it all the time. So one day I thought to myself that maybe I just notice it because it has significance to me. So I picked out a date to see how often it comes up when I do paperwork at work. I chose 12/16 and I NEVER SEE IT. But I think about it all the time when I'm entering stuff.

IF I do okay, get my trigger shot and O at Thursday's appointment and get pregnant, my due date will be 12/16/10.

But now that I shared this with you and shared it with hubby earlier today (he said I'm just plain crazy) I've probably jinxed myself.

But I'm back on the WW wagon now, I really think my weight is what is keeping me from O'ing and if I can lose some and get healthier, than I may just be able to get pregnant myself instead of pumping hormones into my body all the damn time.

This week is rough, school, working extra at part-time job, and working at full-time job. I have tons of homework coming up due for one of my classes, but next week I'd like to get back into running.

I ordered some dresses online for hubby's cousin's wedding in May. They are gorgeous and I can't decide which one. I only ordered the second one becuase the first one looked like it may have too much "white" in it, but I couldn't tell if it was white or cream online, colors are so deceiving on the computer. Well so I ordered a black dress with a white trim on the shoulders and a sash on it, just as a backup. Well the dress I was so worried about turned out to be a tan color, it looks fabulous, but then I tried the other one on just for funsies and it looks great too. So hubby said he likes the tan one and I agree but I'm going to take them to the in-law's this weekend and have my SIL and neice give their opinions.

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