Sunday, April 1, 2012

Health Time Capsule

2112 – 100 years from now. I’m going to guess I won’t be around then, as that would make me 130, almost 131. If I were to put things in a time capsule that would show my health focus right now, they would scream “Dairy free!”

I’ve been desperately searching the interwebs for meal plans and diets that involve dairy free eating and I’m just not coming up with a lot of appealing prospects. I’ve always been an avid milk drinker and don’t even get me started on the cheese consumption in our household.

I would include the containers to some dairy free products in my capsule as I’m sure in 100 years they will have hopefully changed for the better and people can see where they started at with these types of products. Going dairy free, especially for breastfeeding, is becoming more popular and acknowledged these days. I’d hope that in 100 years there is much more research on this and people are able to more easily adapt their diets to restrict the dairy products they are using.

I’d also love to throw in a pair of running shoes as that is where my butt needs to get in gear these days. I feel a thousand times better about myself when I’ve been actively running and why not, it’s such a healthy way to get in exercise and relieve some stress. I’m sure people won’t question the running shoes one bit and that it will be something people are still out there doing.

Overall I would hope to be able to show people where things came from and hopefully give them an idea of how far they have advanced in 100 years.

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