Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Hayden's 4 month stats

Hayden had his four month appointment on Friday, which included a check-up and shots. Poor guy. At his two month appointment you could find his mother hidden in the corner crying while his father held his hand and he wailed like there was no tomorrow. I just couldn’t handle it. My plan was to be stronger for this appointment and let him know I was there for him. My plan worked out. I was the one holding both of his hands while he kicked happily and the nurse jabbed him with a few needles. As soon as the needles hit his legs he burst into crocodile size tears. My heart just broke for him. I know it's for the best but it doesn't make it any easier to watch my baby go through pain.

Hayden is very close to sitting up on his own. He can do it for about 3 seconds before he falls forward from his top half of his body being so heavy to him. He is rolling from front to back with no problem at all, but when he is on his back he will only roll onto his side, not his belly. He is so close though. His arm on that happens to be on the bottom just gets in the way, other than that he'd be rolling all over the place.

He loves his gym mat and if you lay him on it, he can do a complete 360 around it by picking his legs up, kicking them to the side and using the legs of the gym as leverage to get himself turned. One night I was lying on the floor with him and his head was near mine, next thing I knew he was completely turned so that his butt was up near my face!

He giggled for the first time on Thursday, 3/15. It was the sweetest sound. I’m so lucky that Hubby was able to capture it on video.

After his 2 month appointment he was fine. He was a little tired for a few days, but this time was different. After dinner on Friday night he started wailing and was inconsolable for a large portion of the evening. At 4 a.m. on Saturday morning he woke up with a fever of 101.6. He got his first dose of Tylenol and I didn’t leave his side the rest of the weekend. He spent a lot of time sleeping on me or cuddled up with me and by Saturday evening my sweet baby boy was back.

At his appointment his head circumference was 42.5 cm, he weighed a whopping 14 lbs 13 oz and had grown to 25 1/8 inches long. The nurse who first measured him said he was only 23 3/4 inches long but that meant he’d only grown 1/2 inch in a little over two months. I was kind of worried, but then the pediatrician came in and said that couldn’t possibly be right and re-measured him for us. That was a load of relief! He already has my height working against him.

The pediatrician also okayed the use of cereal at this point and said around five months we can start introducing other foods in his diet if he’s okay with the cereal.

These four months have flown by, I can’t imagine what the next four months will hold.

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