Sunday, August 15, 2010

200mg of Clomid makes a girl crazy

I kinda fell off the face of the Earth after my ectopic pregnancy in April. I think I’m better now and we are back on the band wagon of Project Baby Making.

Clomid is the devil. It really is. While I'm frustrated it hasn't worked, I'm grateful that this is my last cycle on it. I think my RE decided to do this as a Hail Mary. I have a consult on Thursday to move onto more expensive bigger and better drugs.

This cycle has been the roughest one yet. I’m exhausted. I not only have the hot flashes to the point that the backs of my knees break out in a sweat…ummmm ew! I have the night sweats. It’s disgusting. I’m sleeping practically naked with an air conditioner and two fans blowing right on me. Hubby comes to bed and I usually throw a leg up on top of him (for some reason that’s the only way I can fall asleep) and he can’t stand it, says I’m burning up. But when I take my temperature I’m not running a fever. This is the most bizarre thing!!!

I constantly feel like I’m going to pass out from sheer exhaustion…How the hell do they expect people to get pregnant if they’re too tired to have sex??? My BFF suggested this morning that I go to bed early tonight with a book and relax. That would be a GREAT idea if I was going to be home, but I’m not. I signed up for extra shifts. Tonight I work until 11:30 p.m. Tomorrow? I work my normal shift 8-4:30 (leaving at 3:30 for my acupuncture) and then off to my extra job from 5:15-11:30. Tuesday night I have a work dinner and Wednesday night I told my mom I would take her and my grandma to the movies – Can you say spread too thin? I’m counting down the days to my mini vacation – Thursday to Sunday. I’m not answering work e-mails or discussing work with any of my friends from work. Those four days are gonna be about me, Hubby and step-son. Thursday we have the consult in the morning, I’m getting the oil changed in Hubby’s vehicle in the afternoon, Friday I’m going to clean the house up, Saturday we’re going shopping in Pennsylvania and Sunday we are RELAXING!

Hubby and I went to the RE’s this morning – up and early on a Sunday morning, I know how to party – for a follicle check on CD13. Wanna know how it went? Waste.Of.Time. They didn’t even tell me measurements of my follies (there were “many”) because they were so small. I go back in two days to follow up and hope that some of them grow in the next two days. In the mean time I get to come home and be a crazy bitch of a wife.

I started acupuncture, I figured why the hell not. I’ve gone four times and while I don’t know how well it’s working, I feel more energy and as crazy as I’ve been, I have to say it has helped with the crazies.

I had an interesting discussion on Facebook with my boss’ husband. He sent me a message saying he heard from his wife I’m trying to get pregnant. He suggested the power of prayer. Pray for patience to deal with this. I’m trying, but I can’t say it’s the easiest thing I’ve done, anyone who knows me knows I’m impatient in every aspect of my life, but I’m trying. Nothing can hurt, right?

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